Advent and Christmas 2019

Advent house groups

Join one of our House Groups to follow the Advent Course, Waiting and Watching by Joyce Huggett, this year. A mixture of contemplation, reading and discussion about the purpose of Advent in a busy world. Come and prepare for Christmas by taking some time out to think and chat with others. The course will run in our existing House Groups but if you would like to take part and you do not belong to a House Group already then please contact Rev Ruth

Advent shed

During Advent check out the ‘Advent Shed’ outside the church.
Chocolates and prayer resources available every day – just help yourselves.

Advent and Christmas services

Advent Reflections
Each Sunday evening 6pm – 6.30pm
1st, 8th and 15th December.

Art and Soul
Wednesday 11th December 9:30am-12:45pm
Worship, art and simple lunch for adults – no experience necessary. All welcome!

Messy Church
Saturday 14th December 10am-12noon
All welcome!

Carols at The Avenue Pub
Wednesday 18th December 7pm
Join us to sing carols and partake of beverage. All welcome!

Candlelit Carols
Sunday 22nd December 6pm
Mulled wine and mince pies to follow. All welcome!

Crib Service
Tuesday 24th December 4pm
Come dressed as your favourite Christmas character. Carols, candles and chocolate. All ages welcome!

Midnight Mass
Tuesday 24th December 11.30pm
Crossover from darkness to light.

Christmas Day
Wednesday 25th December 9am
All ages welcome!

Sunday service times:

10:00 Eucharist


Thursday service times:

10:00 Eucharist

More info

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