Lent and Easter 2021

This Lent and Easter may be slightly different, but there’s lots going on. In addition to our normal Thursday and Sunday communion services available on YouTube, look out for Children and Families resources on our YouTube channel and our Facebook page; Messy Church, Lego videos, short videos, Light Project and other activities.
Ash Wednesday
17th February at 7.30pm on YouTube
Live-streamed service of Holy Communion and Ashing and audio/visual service of the Word
Lent Course ‘Loved and Liked’
Wednesday evenings 24th February – 24 March 7:30pm on Zoom
Join us for our Lent course ‘Loved and Liked.’ The course is a mixture of videos and story telling and aims to enable people to explore who they are as diverse individuals inhabiting different stories and carrying different joys and hurts, daring to discover yet more of what God who knows us by name, loves us and calls us to go on becoming who we have been created to be. It is hoped the group interaction will engage both the head and the heart amid questions, challenges and encouragement. It is not about right answers but more about how we might each respond to Jesus’ offer of life in all its fullness.
Lent Reflections
Sunday evenings on YouTube
A series of reflections from the Easter narrative, looking at the passion story through the eyes of six characters – Barrabas, Pontius Pilate, Mrs Pilate, Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea and Peter
Holy Week Reflections
29th, 30th and 31st March on YouTube
Join us for evening reflections
Maundy Thursday
1st April on YouTube
Join us for an Agape meal in your own home using the audio visual readings and prayers on our YouTube channel
Good Friday stations of the cross
2nd April in the churchyard
Come and spend some time in the quiet and spring beauty of our church gardens and reflect upon the events of this day using the stations of the cross in the churchyard.
Good Friday – At the Foot of the Cross
2nd April 2-3pm on YouTube
A service of reflection for the last hour – live streamed but also available as an audio visual video on the YouTube Channel.
Easter Story Trail
2nd to 4th April (Good Friday – Easter Sunday)
A passion Trail for children and families telling the story of Easter once more and with goodies to pick up along the way – you can download a map here.
Easter Sunday
4th April at 10am
Live streamed Holy Communion and audio visual service available on YouTube.