Environmental policy

We affirm these key elements of our faith:

We have been created by God as part of one great, interdependent living system.
We recognise a special responsibility to care for the earth and to seek the best possible harmony with other creatures of the earth.
We are inspired by the biblical vision of peace which includes the fulfilment of our individual potential, a just social order and a concern for the well-being of creation.
We are empowered by Christ, who through his death and resurrection, reconciled all things to himself, so making peace.


We aim to practically and spiritually care for our immediate and wider environment.


As a church community:

We will take environmental concerns fully into account in everything we do.
We will seek appropriate information and keep abreast of current thinking.
We will undertake an ‘environmental audit’ of our premises and property and devise appropriate plans to care for them every three years.
We will consider the environmental impact of our policies and plans, and accept that additional costs may be incurred by minimising that impact.
We will review the Environmental Policy annually.
We will pay attention to environmental concerns in our banking.
We will encourage environmentally friendly forms of transport and keep journeys to meeting venues short wherever possible and fossil fuel emissions as low as we can.
We will make an energy audit at least every three years.
We will look for economies in our energy use.
We will seek ways to reduce consumption and the impact of our activities on the environment wherever possible.
We will encourage the use of locally sourced flowers, hedgerow or garden greenery when decorating the church.
We will seek to purchase food and drink that meets the LOAF (Local, Organic, Agriculturally sound, Fairtrade) principles, avoid over catering and use seasonal foods.
We will avoid using water unnecessarily, check for leakages regularly, fit water-minimising systems to taps and cisterns, and collect rainwater, wherever possible.

Sunday service times:

10:00 Eucharist


Thursday service times:

10:00 Eucharist

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